The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

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At BoldSign, we take data privacy and security seriously. To provide you with the best electronic signature service, we use third-party subprocessors to help us process, store, and secure your information.

Subprocessors are third-party vendors who assist us in providing our services to you. BoldSign engages the following subprocessors to process customer personal data on behalf of BoldSign users. We only use subprocessors who meet our high standards for data privacy and security.

List of Subprocessors

Name Service Provided Purpose Location
Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Services Data hosting and application infrastructure services United States; Netherlands
Google LLC Cloud Computing Services Data hosting, application infrastructure services, and Analytics United States; Netherlands
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Cloud Computing Services Data hosting United States
Postmark Email service provider Sending transactional emails on behalf of the SaaS provider United States
Amazon SES Email service provider Sending transactional emails on behalf of the SaaS provider United States, Ireland
Twilio Cloud Communications Platform Sending text messages and phone calls on behalf of the SaaS provider United States
Stripe Payment Processing Processing payments and managing subscriptions United States

Updates to this page

Our business needs and service providers may change from time to time due to the global nature of our operations and the substantial number of users we serve. For instance, we may discontinue using a service provider to streamline and minimize our use of such providers. Likewise, we may enlist a service provider if we conclude that doing so will bolster our ability to provide high-quality services.

Please note that the list of subprocessors utilized by BoldSign is subject to revision, and we advise you to save this webpage and revisit it regularly for any updates or subscribe to our RSS feed to be notified when we update our subprocessors page

If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact us.