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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

Electronic Signature Software for Human Resource Teams

Free up your HR team’s time. With BoldSign, HR professionals can send and sign documents instantly, manage documents effortlessly, and save up to 50% on processing time.
Electronic signatures for HR Teams with BoldSign
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Syncfusion is trusted by the world’s leading companies
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Why BoldSign for HR Teams

BoldSign simplifies eSignature processes for HR. From onboarding to offboarding, our platform makes signature collection and processing easy, secure, and legally compliant. Adopted by top companies, it’s feature-rich yet cost-effective, ensuring HR professionals spend less time on paperwork and more time on people.

Send signature requests directly to a recipient’s mobile phone via SMS, enhancing convenience and improving response times.

SMS signature request

Verify the identity of signers with robust authentication methods, such as email verification, access codes, and SMS verification.

ID verification

BoldSign allows you to easily send the same document to multiple recipients at the same time. It’s a great way to efficiently distribute policies or updates throughout your organization.

Bulk send

Generate a single signing link that can be shared with multiple people, allowing each recipient to sign their own unique copy of the document.

Bulk link

Set up templates for frequently used forms, saving time in preparation and ensuring consistency across similar documents.


BoldSign lets team members work together on signature request documents. They can review, modify, and manage forms, making team processes more efficient.

Team collaboration

Organize and store all eSigned documents in one place, making it easy to find, track, and manage your important forms.

Document management

HR tasks usually need approvals from many people. Incorporating BoldSign into your workflow makes it easier and quicker to collect multiple approvals. Once a document is signed, it automatically goes to the next person in the signing order.

Complex workflow

Automated reminders can be set for pending actions on documents, and notifications are sent via email or in-app about document changes and updates . This keeps employees or candidates in the loop and reduces delays in document signing.

Reminder and notifications

BoldSign allows organizations to add their branding to emails and the user interface. This creates a more professional experience for anyone interacting with HR documents.

Custom branding
We take legality seriously. BoldSign is certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant. Your security and legal peace of mind is our priorities.
Security and compliance

BoldSign lets you sign documents quickly on your phone or tablet. It works well on any screen, making it quick and easy to sign documents anywhere.

Mobile responsive signing
BoldSign keeps a clear record of who signed a document, when, and where. It saves detailed information like signer identity, time, and location, ensuring compliance and integrity in HR document management.
Audit trail

SMS Signature Requests

Send signature requests directly to a recipient’s mobile phone via SMS, enhancing convenience and improving response times.

Signer Authentication

Verify the identity of signers with robust authentication methods, such as email verification, access codes, and SMS verification.

Bulk Send

BoldSign allows you to easily send the same document to multiple recipients at the same time. It’s a great way to efficiently distribute policies or updates throughout your organization.

Bulk Link

Generate a single signing link that can be shared with multiple people, allowing each recipient to sign their own unique copy of the document.

SMS signature request
ID verification
Bulk send
Bulk link
Team collaboration
Document management


Set up templates for frequently used forms, saving time in preparation and ensuring consistency across similar documents.

Team Collaboration

BoldSign lets team members work together on signature request documents. They can review, modify, and manage forms, making team processes more efficient.

Document Management

Organize and store all signed documents in one place, making it easy to find, track, and manage your forms.

Complex Workflow

HR tasks usually need approvals from many people. Incorporating BoldSign into your workflow makes it easier and quicker to collect multiple approvals. Once a document is signed, it automatically goes to the next person in the signing order.

Reminders and notifications

Automated reminders can be set for pending actions on documents, and notifications are sent via email or in-app about document changes and updates . This keeps employees or candidates in the loop and reduces delays in document signing.

Custom Branding

BoldSign allows organizations to add their branding to emails and the user interface. This creates a more professional experience for anyone interacting with HR documents.

Complex workflow
Reminder and notifications
Custom branding
Security and Compliance
Mobile responsive signing
Audit trail

Security and Compliance

We take legality seriously. BoldSign is certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant. Your security and legal peace of mind is our priorities.

Mobile Signing

BoldSign lets you sign documents quickly on your phone or tablet. It works well on any screen, making it quick and easy to sign documents anywhere.

Audit Trails

BoldSign keeps a clear record of who signed a document, when, and where. It saves detailed information like signer identity, time, and location, ensuring compliance and integrity in HR document management.

Get your HR document signed in just a few clicks

Simplify HR tasks with our eSignature solution. Easily manage employee contracts, offer letters, and policy acknowledgments, saving time and streamlining your HR workflow.

Get your hr document signed in just a few clicks
Get your HR document signed in just a few clicks
Simplify HR tasks with our eSignature solution. Easily manage employee contracts, offer letters, and policy acknowledgments, saving time and streamlining your HR workflow.
Get your hr document signed in just a few clicks

Where to use BoldSign in HR Workflows

Check circle broken

Employment Contracts

Agreements between the employer and employee outlining terms of employment.


Offer Letters

Formal job offers sent to selected candidates.


Onboarding Documents

Forms and agreements for new hires, like company policies, employee handbooks, and benefit enrollment forms.


Performance Reviews

Documents assessing an employee's performance, often signed by both the employee and their supervisor.


Leave Requests

Applications for vacation, sick leave, or other types of leave.


Expense Claims

Forms submitted by employees for reimbursement of work-related expenses.


Confidentiality Agreements

Agreements to protect sensitive company information, often signed by new employees or contractors.


Policy Acknowledgements

Documents in which employees acknowledge their understanding of and agreement to company policies.


Termination Letters or Agreements

Documents outlining the terms of an employee's departure from the company.