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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

Send Documents via SMS for Signing

With BoldSign’s SMS delivery option, you can reach signers through real-time notifications sent directly to their mobile device. It’s simple to use, and all you need is your BoldSign account
send documents via sms for signing
Syncfusion trusted companies
Syncfusion trusted companies

How to Start Sending Documents via SMS



Enable SMS as the Delivery Mode

Users send signature requests to each recipient via text message by selecting SMS as the delivery option.



Instant SMS Alerts

Recipients receive the signature requests instantly via SMS and open them by tapping on the link.



Sign on the Go

Recipients then sign the documents effortlessly from their mobile phones.

Why Choose BoldSign for SMS eSignatures?

Send documents for signatures or approval directly through SMS, facilitating a quicker and more flexible response. Expedite the signing process and eliminate delays with BoldSign’s seamless SMS integration.
swift document distribution
Get started with BoldSign’s SMS feature instantly, thanks to our user-friendly interface. Effortlessly configure your document signature requests for SMS delivery. It’s simple for both senders and recipients.
user friendly setup
Keep signers in the loop with real-time SMS notifications. Signers receive instant alerts like reminders to sign and confirmations of signature completion on their mobile devices.
Real time notifications

BoldSign’s SMS document delivery is versatile and applicable across a spectrum of industries. Whether you’re in legal services, healthcare, or real estate, BoldSign ensures secure and efficient document signings.

Industry-Agnostic Solution

Enable signers to access and sign documents on the go. BoldSign’s SMS integration ensures that your document workflow is not confined to a desk but can be managed from anywhere, providing ultimate flexibility.

Mobile Accessibilty

Swift Document Distribution

Send documents for signatures or approval directly through SMS, facilitating a quicker and more flexible response. Expedite the signing process and eliminate delays with BoldSign’s seamless SMS integration.

User-Friendly Setup

Get started with BoldSign’s SMS feature instantly, thanks to our user-friendly interface. Effortlessly configure your document signature requests for SMS delivery. It’s simple for both senders and recipients.

Real-Time Notifications

Keep signers in the loop with real-time SMS notifications. Signers receive instant alerts like reminders to sign and confirmations of signature completion on their mobile devices.

Swift document distribution
user friendly interface
Real time notifications
Industry agnostic solution
Mobile friendliness

Industry-Agnostic Solution

BoldSign’s SMS document delivery is versatile and applicable across a spectrum of industries. Whether you’re in legal services, healthcare, or real estate, BoldSign ensures secure and efficient document signings.

Mobile Accessibility

Enable signers to access and sign documents on the go. BoldSign’s SMS integration ensures that your document workflow is not confined to a desk but can be managed from anywhere, providing ultimate flexibility.

Areas of Application

By utilizing SMS for obtaining eSignatures, a wide spectrum of industries can streamline processes, accelerate transactions, and enhance client engagements.


Legal Services

Expedite the document signing process for legal contracts, agreements, and client approvals. Receive signed documents promptly for notarization and legal record-keeping.


Real Estate

Streamline property transactions by sending purchase agreements, lease agreements, and other real estate documents via SMS. Accelerate the rental or sale process with quick and convenient document signing.



Send patient consent forms, medical records, and other healthcare-related documentation through SMS. Ensure timely signatures on medical consent and authorization forms for enhanced patient care.


Financial Services

Speed up financial transactions by sending loan agreements, investment forms, and account opening documents via SMS. Improve customer experience by minimizing delays in document processing.


Human Resources

Simplify the onboarding process by sending employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, and HR documents through SMS. Enable remote employees to complete necessary paperwork efficiently.



Expedite the signing of enrollment forms, consent forms, and student agreements through SMS. Enhance administrative efficiency in educational institutions by reducing paperwork delays.


Government and Public Services

Improve citizen services by sending government forms, permits, and applications via SMS. Streamline bureaucratic processes with quicker document turnaround times.


Sales and Marketing

Accelerate deal closures by sending sales contracts, proposals, and partnership agreements via SMS. Enable sales teams to reach clients promptly and secure timely signatures.



Facilitate the renewal process by sending insurance policy documents and claim forms through SMS. Enhance customer satisfaction by simplifying insurance-related paperwork.


Small Businesses

Empower small businesses to manage invoices, contracts, and agreements efficiently using SMS. Improve business agility by reducing the time it takes to get signatures on essential documents