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The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

Speed Up Your Document Signing Workflow

Get your documents signed online with legally binding eSignatures. Send signature requests and track their progress with our easy-to-use app or embed the entire workflow into your own app using our API.

eSignature Requests

Easily send eSignature requests and configure their behavior to speed up signing.



Self-sign your documents with a legally binding eSignature and easily share them with people.

Sign as recipient

Sign as recipient

While sending a signature request to the signers, you can also add yourself as one of the signers and sign the document as a recipient.


Signer routing

Define the order for your signers and reviewers to view and e-sign documents with signer routing. For example, you can get eSignatures from multiple people sequentially, in parallel, or both using simple numbering-based ordering.


Private messages

When many people are involved in a contract, you may want to share a different message with each recipient so that they can better understand the document. You can do this through the private message option in BoldSign.


Signer authentication

For business-critical documents, you may want to add further authentication to ensure that the intended parties sign the document. To authenticate your signers in BoldSign, you have two options:
• Access code
• Email OTP

Upload multiple documents

Upload multiple documents

BoldSign allows you to upload multiple documents together of any supported types to create a signing request.



Auto-reminders are sent to the signers to expedite the signing process if it is unfinished or close to the deadline. You can configure a frequency and number of automatic reminders to send before sending documents for signature.


Manual reminders

In addition to the auto-reminders, you can also manually send reminders to the signers at any time to sign the document. One manual reminder can be sent to a signer per day per document.


Document expiration

Automatically clean up your old contracts by configuring an expiration date while sending a document. You can also extend the expiration date after a document has been sent and can configure it to alert one day before expiry. Once the document expired, the signer can’t sign the document.


Print, sign, and upload documents

If your signers don’t wish to sign documents online, you can ask them to print and sign the documents using a wet signature and then upload the scanned document to BoldSign.


Host signature session with in-person signers

If you want a document signed before a company representative or another host, you can do so with the in-person signer option in BoldSign. This option allows someone to host a signature session on a tablet or any other available device.



You can customize your signer’s experience with your brand logo and theme colors to make the signing process emails and the web pages look more authentic. Multiple brands can be created, and a particular brand can be chosen while creating a document for signature requests.


Multiple form fields

The form fields are used to collect information from users and convey information to the users. BoldSign supports 10+ different form fields, including signature, initials, text box, and more, to meet all your contract needs.

Form fields appearance customization

BoldSign provided several customization options to modify the appearance of the form fields. The options differ for each form field.

Automatic field detection

Automatic field detection

The form fields are automatically detected when a prefilled form is attached to the document. This feature saves time when several form fields have to be attached.

Required form field

Required form fields

You can define the form fields whether they should be required to filled by the signer or an optional field.


Prevent signers from reassigning documents

By default, your document signers can delegate their signing responsibility to someone else. However, you can turn this off while sending the document.


Revoke a sent document

If you sent a document for signing by mistake or needs correction, you can recall it and cancel the signing process. This option prevents the signer from signing or viewing the document.

Decline document

Decline document

The signer can decline the document for various reasons. Once the document is declined, all the participants will be notified, and the document can’t be signed further.


Cloud storage integration

With built-in integration for Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, you can effortlessly import files from these sources for creating and sending eSignature requests.


File-format support

BoldSign supports PDF, Word, Excel and image files (.jpg, .jpeg and .png) to upload and use for signature requests. The preferred document type is PDF.


Keyboard shortcuts

Both signer and sender interfaces support keyboard shortcuts for actions like cut, copy, paste, tab key navigation, etc., to help you work efficiently.


Allowed signature types

Signers can put their signatures on documents via typing, drawing, or image upload for their convenience. However, you can restrict to show only specific signature methods to the signers.

Download audit trail

Download audit trail

The information about a document, such as its ID, name, sender, receiver, status, time stamps, etc., are recorded in an audit trail document. This can be downloaded after all the signers have signed the document.

Alert signers in advance

When the signing order is enabled, the signers will be notified when it is their turn to sign the document. But in addition, you can also notify them when a signing request is created.

Preview document

A preview of the document can be seen before sending it for signing to ensure the document’s content and form fields placement.

Save document signing progress

When signing the document, the signers have the option to save their progress. The signers may return to the document later and continue with the document’s saved progress.

Request signer attachments

Request signer attachments

BoldSign offers an option to request attachments from the signers. While sending the document, you can use the attachment form field to ask the signer for an attachment.

Signer redirection on completion

You can redirect the signer to a specific URL after the signing activity is over. This feature can be enabled or disabled.

Sign everywhere

Sign everywhere

This feature allows signers to insert their saved signature into all the signature fields by default.

Document Management

Categorize and track documents sent and received by you and your team members.

Team document view

BoldSign has provided a dedicated view to track, view, or manage the team member documents. Account admins and team admins have access to this.


Add/remove tags to group documents

Tags are nothing but custom labels. You can use tags to categorize your documents, and they can also be used to search or filter your documents. The tags can be added either before or after the document is created.


Status-based quick filters

The all-documents view has an option to filter documents based on their status through a dedicated quick filter bar.


Advanced filters

Through the advanced filter option, you can search or filter documents based on the sender, sent date range, recipients, and other fields.


Pin filters

Pin your advanced filters as a widget on your home page by providing a name to it. This is useful to quickly find the documents you need. If it is not needed further, you can delete the filter.

In app notifications

In-app notifications

You will be notified about the actions performed on the document. The notifications can be managed by using the options like Mark all as read, Clear all, Delete, etc.


Customizable email notification settings

You can turn email notifications for specific document events on or off.


Clone a sent document

To quickly send a similar document for signature, you can clone a previously sent document and send it to someone else with updates as needed.

Document status dashboard

Document status dashboard

The dashboard consists of all the document status information organized into categories for simple access. There are also other sections like monthly and total document count and the status of the pinned documents.

Unlimited storage

In BoldSign, you can store documents unlimitedly, and you can access them whenever you want.

Document history

Document history

On performing an action on the document, the document’s history, such as the IP addresses, user activity, action, date and time, will be logged.

Hide document id

Hide document ID

The document’s ID will be shown in the document by default. But it can be hidden if you wish to hide it for various reasons.

Combine signed and audit trail documents

Combine signed and audit trail documents

BoldSign allows you to combine the signed document and audit trail document together and download it as a single document.

Default document settings

BoldSign allows you to change the default values of the document configuration options. The documents created after these changes will have the updated default values.



If the user exists while creating the signing request, then the current progress will be saved in the drafts folder for later use.



If a document is deleted, it will be moved to the trash folder. If it is needed further, it can be restored. Else it will be deleted permanently after certain days.


Turn your frequently used contracts into templates to save time on uploading files and configuring fields.



Sharing the created template with your teams will reduce the time taken by them to create new templates and improves their productivity. Templates can be shared with either edit access or with use access.

Clone templates

You can clone an existing template rather than create it from scratch. Copying and reusing the template helps in creating more similar templates quickly.


Configure document settings

Configure default settings such as brand, expiration date, and reassignment for templates. This simplifies your work while creating a template.


Impose authentication

Impose and configure authentication for signers from templates to disallow any modification while using the template.


Impose restrictions while using the template

Impose restrictions such as disallowing new signers, editing existing ones, and changing a document’s title and description.

Unlimited templates

Unlimited templates

BoldSign allows for the creation of unlimited templates. These templates are beneficial when sending the same documents to multiple signers.

Merging multiple templates

The merging template option is helpful when you wish to combine the information from two or more templates together.

Bulk Links

Create a reusable template-based link to collect signatures from a mass audience.


HTML embed script generation

Embed bulk links into your web pages to collect signatures from your users quickly.


Welcome and acknowledgement messages

Displaying welcome and acknowledgment messages to signers will help them complete the signing process quickly.


Limit the number of responses

Define the maximum number of signatures you want to collect from bulk links. Once the specified limit is reached, no other signer can be able to sign the document.


Set link expiration

The expiration date for bulk links can be set and modified. Once the bulk link is expired, no other signer can be able to access the link.

View responder details

View responder details

The responder details, such as name, mail ID, status, and last activity, can be found once the user has viewed or signed using the bulk link.

Control bulk link status

Control bulk link status

You can activate or deactivate the bulk link at any time, as per your requirement. Once the bulk link is deactivated, the signers can’t be able to access the document.


Export to Excel

Export responder data to an Excel file for further sharing and for tracking purposes.

Contact Management

Save time and avoid sending contracts to the wrong people with simpler contact management.


Auto-add signers to contacts

Every time you send documents to new signers, they will be added to your contacts automatically to save time.


Bulk import contacts

You can quickly upload your contacts to BoldSign with just a CSV file. This helps in importing bulk contacts in one shot.



All contacts in the system will be shown on the document creation page when you type your signer/recipient email addresses to avoid mistakes. You can select from the list displayed.


Contact groups

Instead of sending contracts or agreements to each person individually, you can create contact groups to send them. You can identify the contact groups by providing a unique name to them.

User Management

Precisely control your users’ access and activities no matter your team size.


Invite, delete, activate, and deactivate users

With user pages, you can invite, delete, activate, and deactivate users based on your requirements.


Create and manage teams

Group your users as teams and manage their access and permissions. BoldSign provides a dedicated view to manage the teams and their users.


Roles: account admin, team admin, member

To help with access management, BoldSign provides three built-in roles. Account admins have access to all the features, whereas team admins and members have specific duties and are limited to certain features.


Custom permissions

In addition to the default permissions based on the role, you can also give users their own custom permissions to fine-tune the access levels in your organization.


Transfer documents

While deleting users from the system, you can transfer their documents to someone else.


Single sign-on

Using SSO login, users can log into numerous applications with just one login credential. To provide single sign-on to your users, connect to your organization’s OAuth2 or OpenID Connect servers.

Unlimited teams

Unlimited teams

There is no limit to the number of teams in BoldSign. You can create as many teams as you want.

Default signature and initials

You can manage your default signature and initials in your profile. It will be further applied while signing the document.


Set your logo and brand color to make your signers’ experience authentic.


Multiple brands

You can create and manage multiple brands from a single account. This is helpful for organizations with several brands and API-based multitenant apps.


Dynamic selection

Dynamically select the brand for each document before sending it. Also, you can set a default brand to make sending documents easier.


Logo and Colors

Customize the logos, background colors, and button colors that are shown to your signers in document pages and emails.

Brand customization preview

Your branding customization can be previewed to ensure the appearance of signer pages and emails.


Email customization

Configure the email domain and sender name for all emails sent from BoldSign.


Custom legal terms

Add and show custom legal terms for your signers based on your organization’s needs.

Audit trail branding

Audit trail with your branding

When branding is added to the document, it will automatically reflect in the audit trail document as well.

Custom sending domain

Custom sending domain

The authenticity of your website will be enhanced if you add a custom domain name to your application. Create your own ID, get it verified, and then use that ID to send all transaction emails.

Signed document delivery type

You can choose whether the signed document is delivered to the signers as an attachment or should be a link to view and download the document.


Localize your signers’ experience with their native language and time settings.


Time zone

Configure the default time zone for the organization and your profile. BoldSign application will follow this time zone in all instances.



Render document signing pages and emails for signers in the language they are comfortable with. Currently, the supported languages are English, French, German, Spanish, and Romanian.


Date-time Formats

Configure default date and time display formats for the organization and your profile.