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Legality of eSignatures in Sweden



The integration of digital signatures in Sweden has markedly enhanced the speed and effectiveness of verifying documents. These electronic solutions facilitate swift and environmentally friendly dealings, cutting down on paper consumption and expediting commercial contracts. It is essential to grasp critical factors when implementing electronic signatures in Swedish operations.

Selecting an eSignature provider that adheres to both Swedish laws (Act (2000:832) on Qualified Electronic Signatures) and the E.U.’s regulations on electronic signatures (the eIDAS Regulation) is crucial. Compliance with these regulations ensures that digital signatures are legally equivalent to their handwritten counterparts. However, it’s important to note that some documents may still necessitate a physical signature, and legal intricacies can vary; hence, consulting with a legal expert is advisable.

Security remains a paramount concern. Providers of electronic signature services must offer robust security measures, including encryption, user authentication, and audit trails, to prevent unauthorised access and confirm the legitimacy of signed documents. BoldSign, for instance, provides these security features to meet compliance and safety standards.

In conclusion, electronic signatures are incredibly advantageous and widely recognised in Sweden. Nevertheless, adhering to legal requirements, ensuring security, and selecting a user-friendly service are vital to their successful application.

What is an electronic signature?

According to Swedish law, an electronic signature is any electronic information attached to or logically linked with other electronic data that the signer uses to execute the signing process. Such signatures are considered legally effective on most documents when they can be linked to the signer and when there is evidence to verify their authenticity, thus maintaining the document’s integrity. Additionally, the signatory’s deliberate intent to agree to the document’s terms must be clear, indicating a conscious assent to the stipulated conditions. When these criteria are met, electronic signatures are afforded the same legal validity as traditional pen-and-ink signatures.

Overview of electronic signatures in Sweden

Electronic signatures are considered just as valid as traditional wet-ink signatures; however, their use is subject to specific regulations spelt out in:

The regulation categorises the signatures into two categories (Section. 2):

A Standard electronic signature means data in electronic form attached to or logically linked to other electronic data and used to verify that the content originates from the person appearing to be the exhibitor and has not been corrupted.

An advanced electronic signature is defined to be an electronic signature that.

A qualified electronic signature means an advanced electronic signature based on a suitable certificate and created by a secure signature creation device; ‘signatory’ means a natural person who is the authorised holder of a signature creation device.

Summary Analysis

Type of signature Principal statute Unique feature Legal validity Special Consideration on the use
Standard Electronic Signature Act (2000:832) on Qualified Electronic Signatures N/A Depends on the evidentiary weight. N/A
Advanced Electronic Signatures
  • It is uniquely linked to the signatory.
  • Capable of identifying the signatory.
  • It was developed using a means that the signatory can maintain under his sole control.
  • Linked to the data to which it relates so that any subsequent change in the data is detectable.
Qualified Electronic Signature
  • Meets unique feature of advanced electronic signature.
  • They are supported by a qualified certificate issued by a licensed certification authority.
  • Created by a secure creation device.
Valid unless the contrary is proven. Used to sign all documents required in law to be signed –especially where wet ink isn’t possible, and use of eSignatures is permissible.
[Section 17 Swedish Qualified Electronic Signatures Act]

The scope and limitations of eSignature transactions

The use of electronic signatures for completing document transactions lacks absolute legal recognition. As a result, electronic signatures are appropriate for certain types of transactions and applications, while unsuitable for others. An examination of this issue is provided below, along with a concise chart detailing the transactions.

Documents that can be signed

Electronic signatures can be employed to affix signatures and provide countersignatures on a diverse array of documents, such as:


Swedish eSignature regulations lack an express provision on what class of transactions are exempted from completion using an electronic signature. Caution should, however, be taken when dealing with transactions as below, which tend to be exempted through Swedish procedural laws:

Summary scope of limitation

Permissible transactions Excluded transactions
  • Human resources
  • Procument
  • Non-disclosure agreements (assuming they are contracts, not formal deeds)
  • Software license agreements
  • Public petitions
  • Authenticating emails and electronic invoices
  • Ensuring the receipt of electronic notifications
  • Insurance industry
  • Educational field, etc.
  • Share certificates.
  • Issue certificates, convertible instruments issued within the sort of debentures and warrant certificates.
  • Employment termination notices.
  • Transfers of real estate.
  • Wills and testamentary documents.
  • Share certificates, issue certificates and convertibles.
  • Pre-nuptial agreements.
  • Specific applications to administrative authorities.

To ensure the validity of an electronic signature, it is recommended to adhere to the following best practices while also complying with all relevant legal regulations:

Notable case laws in Sweden on electronic signatures

NJA 2017 p. 1105

An electronic loan agreement was signed using an advanced electronic signature. The holder of the signature objected to it, arguing that the signature was used without authorisation by someone else. It has been held that the lender must show that the claimed advanced electronic signature has been used. The court underscored the importance of having the electronic signature unique to an individual and its use and control being in the exclusive control of the signer as the signatory’s obligation to the use of electronic signatures. The signature was deemed valid against the claims of the defendant on unauthorised use.

How does BoldSign help?

The following elements of compliance available within BoldSign can be used to comply with Swedish eSignature laws:

Disclaimer: Information on this page is intended to help businesses understand the legal framework of electronic signatures for this particular country.

However, Syncfusion, its officers, directors, stockholders, affiliates, attorneys, accountants, employees or agents cannot provide legal advice. You should consult your own personal attorney regarding your specific legal questions. Laws and regulations change frequently, and this information may not be current or accurate. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Syncfusion provides this material on an “as-is” basis. Syncfusion disclaims and makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to this material, express, implied or statutory, including representations, guarantees or warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or accuracy.

Syncfusion makes no warranties of any kind, including but not limited to respect to the information or the product, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. To the maximum extent permitted by Law, Syncfusion disclaims all conditions, representations and warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, with respect to this information without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or currentness of this information.

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