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What's New in BoldSign

What's New in BoldSign: Recent Updates and Features (February & March 2024)

In February and March of 2024, BoldSign introduced new features, like identity verification, bulk CSV export and document revocation in Bulk Send. Updates such as user activity logs and time stamp support improve transparency and integrity. This blog will describe how these updates improve workflows and eSignature experiences in BoldSign.

Export Bulk Send Document Responses to a CSV File

BoldSign’s new export-to-CSV feature streamlines data retrieval by enabling you to download responses for your bulk sent documents in a convenient CSV file format. When managing a large volume of documents and signers, this allows you to gather and analyze your data in a single location.  

Export Bulk Send Document Responses to a CSV File

Enhanced Control with Bulk Send Revocation

In BoldSign, revoking a bulk send is helpful in various scenarios, such as if you accidentally send a signature request to the wrong recipients, attach an outdated file, forget to add a form field, or encounter other unforeseen situations.  

When a bulk send is revoked, recipients will no longer have access to the documents included or be able to sign them. 

You can revoke a bulk send after sending it for signature, but only before it is completely signed. Additionally, you can revoke a particular bulk send document. Notification of the revocation will be sent to both the sender and the designated signer via email. 

Learn more about revoking bulk send documents

Enhanced Control with Bulk Send Revocation

Default Value for the Image Field

In this new feature, you can set a default image to be displayed to signers, either a picture or important information for signers. Signers can also edit or replace that image during the signing process. For documents requiring a consistent image throughout the signing process, such as your company logo, you can set the default image as read-only. This ensures consistent branding across all your documents and prevents accidental modifications by signers.  

Learn more about image form field.

Default Value for the Image Field

User Activity Logs Feature

Transparency is vital for trust and accountability in an organization. BoldSign’s user activity logs help account admins track all actions and interactions for every document sent out for signature. The feature records a detailed history of user activities, including user details, timestamps, event categories, action types, and more. Only account administrators can access these logs, which are kept for 30 days. Users can refine their view of the activity log by using the filter options shown below the Quick Filters section. To view detailed activity information, click View in the Details column.
Learn more about the activity logs.
User Activity Logs Feature

Enhanced Document Integrity with Time Stamps

The Date Signed field now includes time stamps for every signature. Account admins can customize the default format for time stamps to match their organization’s style under Business Profile.  

Enhanced Document Integrity with Time Stamps

While the default setting is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), this can also be adjusted in the Branding page’s Document Time Zone section. 

Learn more about adding a time stamp.

Enhanced Security Measures with Identity Verification

In March, we introduced identity verification authentication for signers, requiring them to verify their identity using supported government-issued documents before accessing documents. This additional security layer ensures that only authorized individuals can access and sign critical documents.

Supported identification documents include:

  • Passports
  • Driver’s licenses
  • National ID cards

Senders have control over enabling ID verification and can choose which signers need to be verified, ensuring a smooth and secure experience.

Explore our identity verification articles and blog to learn more about this feature.

Enhanced Security Measures with Identity Verification

Flexible Signing Process with Finish Later Option

Juggling multiple tasks and tight deadlines can make the signing process feel overwhelming. To address this challenge and give signers greater control over their workflow, we’ve introduced the Finish Later option. Signers can now skip a document or pause midway, even if they’ve already begun entering information.

There is no need to worry about losing progress, as all entered information remains saved. This allows signers to return and complete the signing process at their convenience, picking up right where they left off.

Learn more about the Finish Later option.

Finish Later option

Optimizing Workflows with Powerful API Contact Management

We have expanded our API support for contacts, enabling more integration of BoldSign’s functionalities. This enhancement unlocks a range of benefits. You can manage your entire contact list through the API. You can view all contacts, retrieve specific details, and even create, edit, or delete them directly. Ultimately, this powerful API support enhances the user experience by integrating signing functionalities directly into your applications.

Refer to this documentation: List Contacts

Increase Efficiency with Auto-Filling Contact Numbers

Gone are the days of tedious manual data entry during document preparation! To enhance this process and eliminate errors, we’ve extended our auto-filling feature. Now, when you enter a recipient’s name on the Prepare Document page, their contact number is automatically filled in. This feature matches information from your existing contact lists, cutting down on typos and inconsistencies.

Increase Efficiency with Auto-Filling Contact Numbers


Thank you for exploring the latest updates with us! February and March marked significant strides for BoldSign, with an emphasis on security, efficiency, and user empowerment. As we continue to evolve our platform, we’re committed to meeting your needs and delivering the best eSignature experience possible.

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Share your experiences and insights in the comments section below. Looking to explore BoldSign further? Schedule a personalized demo or connect with our dedicated support team through our support portal.

Picture of Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno is a technical writer at BoldSign with a passion for clear communication. He uses his skills to transform complex topics into engaging and easy-to-understand content, across various formats including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive guides. Rayronald's dedication ensures users have a smooth and informative experience.

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Picture of Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno is a technical writer at BoldSign with a passion for clear communication. He uses his skills to transform complex topics into engaging and easy-to-understand content, across various formats including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive guides. Rayronald's dedication ensures users have a smooth and informative experience.

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