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What is ID Verification and Why do you need it to get eSignatures

Understanding Identity Verification and Its Critical Role in eSignature Process

In our day-to-day life, proving our identity often involves showing physical ID cards, such as a driver’s license, passport, or local ID card, based on the situation’s geographic and regulatory requirements. Increasingly, digital alternatives are gaining acceptance, leveraging technology for more seamless and secure verification processes.

Identity (ID) verification

In the digital era, particularly with the widespread adoption of eSignature solutions, the need for robust and real-time identity (ID) verification has never been more critical. So, here we scan and upload those acceptable ID cards for verification. In this article, we are going to explore what ID verification is regarding eSignature workflows, how it works, and some common key points about it.

ID Verification in eSignatures

Trusting that the individual on the other end of the transaction is indeed who they claim to be is fundamental in any transaction. Access to a recognized email or phone number might suffice to establish this trust in certain instances. In other cases, there are situations where it’s vital for signers to verify their identity further, beyond mere email confirmation. This makes ID Verification a critical safeguard, essential for preventing such fraudulent activities and ensuring the authenticity and legal enforceability of contracts and agreements.

So, the ID verification in the eSignature process is straightforward, the senders will mandate getting the ID Verification from signers while sending the documents. The other work related to the verification is taken care of by your eSignature provider – here it is BoldSign.

Not a Standalone Trust Mechanism

Checking someone’s ID isn’t the only way to make sure they are who they say they are. Two other important steps, called Authentication and Authorization, also help us trust the person signing a document. We’ll explain more about these steps later.

ID Verification

  • Here is where the trust begins. It verifies the identity of the user to whom he claims to be.
  • We have the signer details such as name, phone number, and mailing address.
  • ID verification is the process of asking the user to prove those details before signing.
  • To prove the identity the user must allow us to scan any of the acceptable details such as passport or driving license.


  • So, after verification, we know the person owns the particular email ID or phone number.
  • So the next step is to authenticate the user with the proven elements such as his mail or phone number.
  • This involves asking the user to enter the OTP we sent with the email or SMS.


  • So you verified the user is the intended person.
  • The next question is whether he is allowed to access and sign or not.
  • This can be easily accessed by the permissions the user has.
  • For example, if the sender of the document allows the signer to configure fields, the user will be authorized to edit the fields in the document before signing and otherwise won’t.

How a Scanned Document is Validated

So now you are familiar with the process of ID verification and how it works while signing a document. But how it works behind the scenes. How is the scanned driving license validated behind the scenes? The eSignature providers, such as BoldSign, will use advanced machine learning algorithms to match the details in the scanned ID card and the details the user has given. The other options, like name-matching tolerance level settings, allow the document senders to determine how much security they want. Several more complex algorithms and their complex structures work hard behind the scenes to ensure your secure eSignature.

Common places where ID Verification is Essential

The eSignature ID verification is a pivotal tool in enhancing the security and integrity of digital transactions. Here are several use cases where it proves to be invaluable:

  1. Financial Transactions: For loan agreements, bank account openings, and financial contracts, eSignature ID verification ensures that the individual signing the document is the legitimate account holder or authorized representative, safeguarding against identity theft and fraud.
  2. Healthcare Sector: In healthcare, patient consent forms, medical records access, and treatment agreements require stringent verification of identity to comply with privacy laws like HIPAA in the U.S. ID verification ensures that sensitive health information is accessed and agreed upon by the rightful individuals.
  3. Real Estate: Buying, selling, or leasing property involves significant legal and financial commitments. eSignature ID verification in real estate transactions confirms the parties’ identity, ensuring that agreements are legally binding and enforceable.
  4. Government Services: When applying for government services, benefits, or permits online, eSignature ID verification helps confirm the citizen’s identity and streamline processes while maintaining security and compliance with legal standards.
  5. Legal Agreements: For the execution of wills, power of attorney, or any legal document where binding decisions are made, verifying the identity of signatories through eSignature ID verification is crucial to prevent fraud and ensure the documents are enforceable.
  6. Remote Hiring and Onboarding: With the rise of remote work, verifying the identity of new hires during the onboarding process is essential. eSignature ID verification in employment contracts and HR documents ensures that the individual being hired is who they claim to be.
  7. Educational Admissions and Certifications: Universities and educational institutions can use eSignature ID verification for admissions forms, enrolment agreements, and certification issuance, ensuring that students and candidates are accurately identified.


I hope this article provides you with an overview of ID verification in the eSignature workflow. To get these ID Verification benefits for your eSignature requests, you can use BoldSign. For more details, you can get in touch with us by scheduling a live demo. In this demo, we can discuss details ranging from how you can onboard to how you can explore our complete potential.  Also, you can visit BoldSign’s website to learn more about its features and offerings. Sign up for a free trial to explore the application’s full potential. Hope you liked this article.
Picture of Meikanda Nayanar

Meikanda Nayanar

A veteran product manager at BoldSign, boasting a decade-long journey as a .NET developer. With a rich history of leading product development across diverse technologies like Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, and MAUI, Meikandan brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic insight to the table.

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Picture of Meikanda Nayanar

Meikanda Nayanar

A veteran product manager at BoldSign, boasting a decade-long journey as a .NET developer. With a rich history of leading product development across diverse technologies like Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, and MAUI, Meikandan brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic insight to the table.

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