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Use of eSignature for Insurance Policy Renewals

Speed Up Insurance Policy Renewals with BoldSign

Getting clients to renew their insurance policies can often take time and effort, involving paperwork, manual signatures, and delays. However, with eSignature software like BoldSign, insurance policy renewals have become more streamlined and efficient. Let’s walk through the step-by-step process of using BoldSign to simplify insurance policy renewals. 

Preparing the Insurance Policy Renewal Document

Before initiating the renewal process, the insurer prepares the renewal document detailing the updated terms, premium amounts, and coverage information. 

Creating a Signature Request in BoldSign

The insurer uploads the renewal document to the BoldSign platform and creates a signature request. This step involves selecting the document and uploading it in the Add files section from the local storage or cloud. It can also be uploaded as a template.  

Uploading the document

Adding Policyholder Information

The insurer then adds the policyholder’s name and email address to the signature request, ensuring that the renewal document is sent to the correct recipient, with the insurer designated as a signer. Additionally, you can select the preferred language from the language dropdown menu. If necessary, additional recipients can be added and the signing order can be specified here. 

Adding the recipient

Signer Authentication

To prevent unauthorized access and ensure the identity of the signer, BoldSign provides various authentication methods, such as email verification, SMS, and access codes. Additionally, private messages can be set for each recipient, if needed.

Signer authentication options

Delivery Method

Insurers can then choose their preferred delivery method for sending the signature request, via email or SMS. However, if it’s sent through SMS, it’s important to receive the signer’s consent beforehand. 

Delivery options

Setting Expiration Date and Automatic Reminders

Then the insurer sets the expiration date for the signature request, specifying the deadline by which the policyholder needs to sign the document. Additionally, automatic reminders can be configured to encourage the timely completion of the signature process. 

Setting the expiry date and auto reminder

Adding Form Fields and Sending to Policyholder

To facilitate the signature process, the insurer may add form fields to the renewal document, allowing the policyholder to fill in necessary information electronically. Once the document is ready, the insurer sends it to the policyholder via email and through the BoldSign platform. 

Adding form fields

Policyholder Access and Review

The policyholder receives the signature request via email and can access the document either by opening the email or logging into their BoldSign account. They can review the renewal document, fill in any required information, and complete the signing process. 

Signature request email

Document Completion and Delivery

Once the policyholder has filled in the necessary details and electronically signed the document, it is considered complete. The completed document is then sent to both the insurer and the policyholder via email, or they can access it directly from their BoldSign account. 

Document completion mail

Tracking and Audit Trail

Throughout the signature process, the insurer can track the status of the document in real time using the BoldSign platform. Additionally, BoldSign provides an audit trail, offering detailed information about each step of the signing process for compliance and record-keeping purposes. 

Audit trail document

High Security Compliance

BoldSign adheres to stringent security standards, including SOC 2, GDPR, HIPAA, and other industry-specific compliance requirements. This ensures that sensitive information is protected, and the integrity of the signed documents is maintained. Please check the security page for more details.

Tamper-Proof Solution

BoldSign employs advanced encryption and authentication measures to ensure that signed documents are tamper-proof and legally binding. This provides peace of mind to both insurers and policyholders regarding the validity of the signed documents. 

Exceptional Customer Support

BoldSign offers dedicated customer support to assist both insurers and policyholders throughout the renewal process. Whether it’s technical assistance or general inquiries, support is available to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. 

Creating Templates for Renewal Documents

By utilizing predesigned templates, you can automatically populate them with client-specific information, thereby reducing manual data entry and errors. This accelerates the renewal process and enhances the overall customer experience by providing a swift, hassle-free signing procedure. For more information on creating and using templates, refer to the blog: How to Effectively Save Time with Electronic Signature Templates.


Thanks for reading this blog. I hope I have provided sufficient information about using Boldsign for insurance policy renewals. We recommend trying BoldSign for yourself with a free trial—no need for a credit card. This way, you can see for yourself how it helps your workflow and makes the signing process easier for you and your clients.
If you have any thoughts or questions, drop them in the comments below. Schedule a demo or contact our support team through our portal for more details or assistance. BoldSign is here to make your document handling easy and efficient. Give it a shot and see the difference!
Picture of Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly, a technical writer at BoldSign, excels at translating intricate concepts into explicit and engaging content across various formats, including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive documentation. Her proficiency in both language and technology ensures that information is accessible and comprehensible for diverse audiences.

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Picture of Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly, a technical writer at BoldSign, excels at translating intricate concepts into explicit and engaging content across various formats, including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive documentation. Her proficiency in both language and technology ensures that information is accessible and comprehensible for diverse audiences.

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