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Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for Your BoldSign Account

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to validate their identity through a secondary method, enhancing the overall security posture of BoldSign. This method not only fortifies the protection of user accounts but also helps secure the integrity of electronic signatures within the platform. This blog will show you how to enable two-factor authentication with BoldSign.

Two-factor authentication methods in BoldSign

BoldSign offers three 2FA methods: authenticator app authentication, text message (SMS) authentication, and email authentication. Users can choose the method that aligns with their preferences for a highly secure login experience.

two-step authentication

Enable two-factor authentication

Let’s see how we can enable two-factor authentication in your BoldSign account.

Authenticator app authentication

Enable authenticator applications such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator:

  • Go to the Settings menu and click My Profile.
  • In the Two-Factor Authentication section, click Add next to the Authenticator app option.
  • Your screen will pop up with a QR code. Open your authenticator app, Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator, and scan that code.
  • A verification code shows up in your app. Type it into the Enter verification code field in BoldSign and click Continue.
Authenticator app authentication
  • A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Continue and there you go—authenticator app authentication is now on guard for your account.

Text messaging (SMS) authentication

To enable two-factor authentication via SMS service:

  • Go to My Profile and click Add next to Phone Number.
  • A Set Up SMS Authentication box appears. Enter your phone number and select Verify Phone Number.
  • You’ll get a verification code on your phone. Enter it into the Enter verification code field and click Verify.
Text messaging (SMS) authentication
  • A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Continue and just like that, your mobile number is now part of your BoldSign security.

Email authentication

Enable two-factor authentication via an email address:

  • In My Profile, click Add next to Verification Email.
  • A Set Up Email Authentication dialog box pops up. Enter your email address and click Verify Email Address.
Recovery email authentication
  • Check your email for a verification code. Type it in and click Verify.
  • A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Continue.

Now, the email authentication has been enabled and updated on the My Profile page.

Update two-factor authentication settings

After you’ve enabled two-factor authentication, if you want to switch the way you do your two-factor authentication, go back to your settings and click on My Profile. There, you’ll find options to update your authentication methods. Maybe you bought a new phone or changed your email—no worries, just keep everything updated to keep your account extra secure.
Update two-step authentication settings

Enforce two-factor authentication for your team

Account administrators can ensure an added layer of security for the entire team by enforcing two-factor authentication in BoldSign. This means that everyone in the organization will need to set up an extra security step after they enter their username and password. Let’s walk through how to make sure your team’s accounts are secure:

  • Click on the Users & Teams menu and choose the Users option.
  • At the top of the page, enable the Require two-step authentication for your team option.
Enforce two-step authentication for your team

Now, when any team member tries to log in using their username and password, a dialog box will pop up with the authenticator app, phone number, and email authentication methods. The user needs to choose and set up one of these authentication methods to access their account. Once the chosen authentication method is enabled, the user will be prompted to enter the verification code sent to their selected method every time they log in.

Sign in with two-factor authentication

When two-factor authentication is active, signing in becomes a safe process, ensuring a fundamental layer of security for your BoldSign account. To smoothly navigate through the sign-in process now:

  • Go to the BoldSign Login page.
  • Input your email ID and password, then click Sign In.
  • You’ll be directed to the Verification Code page.
  • Enter the verification code sent to your selected authentication method and click Verify.
with two-step authentication
Now, you will be logged into your account. If multiple authentication methods are enabled, you can change the method of receiving the verification code by clicking Choose a different verification method.
Choose a different verification method

Use backup code in two-factor authentication

A backup code serves as a lifeline, allowing you to regain access to your account when you lose access to all secondary verification methods:

  • Go to the Settings menu and select My Profile.
  • Locate the Backup Code option in the Two-Step Authentication section and click Generate Backup Code.
Generate Backup Code
  • A dialog box will appear displaying all enabled authentication methods. Choose one.
  • Enter the verification code sent to the selected authentication method and click Verify.
  • Your backup code will be revealed. Save this code somewhere safe—it’s your ticket back into your account.


Thank you for taking the time to explore BoldSign. To fully experience our enhanced security measures, please check out our 30-day free trial. For further assistance or to explore BoldSign’s capabilities in more depth, we encourage you to schedule a personalized demo. Our dedicated support team is also available via our support portal to provide guidance and assistance throughout your BoldSign journey.

Choose BoldSign for a secure, efficient, and trusted electronic signature experience. Rest assured, the safety of your data and signatures is our top priority.

Your feedback is invaluable in driving continuous improvements to our platform. Please share your comments below to help us customize BoldSign to better meet your needs.

Picture of Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan is a Technical Writer at BoldSign. With expertise in simplifying complex concepts, she contributes to the comprehensive documentation and user-friendly content at BoldSign. Lakshmi's commitment to quality ensures users have access to clear and helpful information.

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Picture of Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan is a Technical Writer at BoldSign. With expertise in simplifying complex concepts, she contributes to the comprehensive documentation and user-friendly content at BoldSign. Lakshmi's commitment to quality ensures users have access to clear and helpful information.

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