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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

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How Freelancers Benefit from eSignatures

eSignature applications, also known as electronic signature platforms, are digital tools that enable individuals and businesses to get documents signed electronically, eliminating the requirement for physical, ink-based signatures. These applications have gained significant popularity due to their convenience, security, and legal validity in many countries. Instead of printing, signing, scanning, and faxing or emailing documents, eSignature applications allow users to sign documents online using their computers or mobile devices. 

Importance for Freelancers

eSignature applications can be hugely useful for freelancers, providing advantages for both them and their clients: 

  • Efficiency and convenience
  • Security and legality
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Faster deal closing
  • Remote collaboration
  • Document tracking and audit trails

BoldSign: Meeting Freelancers' Expectations

BoldSign is an eSignature application that excels in satisfying the specific requirements of freelancers.

Ease of Use

BoldSign boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for freelancers to navigate the platform. Uploading documents, with a simple drag-and-drop feature, and sending signature requests can be accomplished in just a few clicks. The platform’s straightforward design ensures that freelancers can quickly adapt to the system without the need for extensive training. 

Document Upload and Storage

Freelancers can effortlessly upload their contracts, proposals, and other documents into BoldSign. The platform supports various file formats, and once the documents are signed, they are securely stored inside the application.  This enables freelancers to access their signed contracts conveniently from anywhere, at any time.

Multiple Signer Support

BoldSign lets you get multiple signatures on a single document. This feature is particularly valuable for freelancers working on projects with a team of clients or other freelancers. Each signer can review and sign the document simultaneously or sequentially, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. 

Team Documents

BoldSign offers robust team document support, enabling freelancers to collaborate efficiently with clients and colleagues. Invite multiple people, assign roles, track progress, and automate signing orders. Enjoy seamless teamwork and faster contract execution with BoldSign’s user-friendly team document feature. 

Customizable Templates

Freelancers can create and save templates in BoldSign, allowing them to quickly prepare frequently used documents like project contracts, proposals, or invoices. This feature saves time and ensures consistency in document preparation, enhancing the freelancer’s professional image. 

Notifications and Reminders

BoldSign informs freelancers about their signature requests’ statuses through real-time notifications. Additionally, the platform sends automated reminders to signers, reducing the likelihood of missed deadlines and ensuring the timely completion of contracts. 

Security and Compliance

BoldSign prioritizes the security of freelancers’ documents and client data. The application employs industry-standard encryption to safeguard sensitive information. Moreover, BoldSign complies with eSignature laws and regulations, providing freelancers with peace of mind when handling sensitive documents. 

Authentication support

BoldSign offers freelancers three secure authentication methods: Email OTP, Access Code, and SMS Verification. These options provide convenience, personalized access, and an extra layer of security. With these features, freelancers can easily access their eSignature account and hassle-free protect their contracts and agreements. 

Mobile Accessibility

BoldSign offers a mobile app and a mobile-responsive website, enabling freelancers to manage their documents and signature requests on the go. This mobile accessibility is particularly valuable for remote work situations, where freelancers may not have immediate access to their desktop computers. 


BoldSign offers flexible pricing plans, including a free Essentials plan for individuals. If freelancers work with a partner or their needs exceed 25 documents a month, the Growth plan is great for small businesses. Freelancers can choose a plan that aligns with their requirements while getting the best value for their investment. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope that it has offered valuable information into how BoldSign can significantly benefit freelancers. Visit BoldSign’s website to learn more about its features and offerings. Sign up for a free trial to explore the application’s full potential and see how it fits into your freelancing workflow.  

Picture of Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly, a technical writer at BoldSign, excels at translating intricate concepts into explicit and engaging content across various formats, including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive documentation. Her proficiency in both language and technology ensures that information is accessible and comprehensible for diverse audiences.

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Picture of Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly

Caroline Dolly, a technical writer at BoldSign, excels at translating intricate concepts into explicit and engaging content across various formats, including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive documentation. Her proficiency in both language and technology ensures that information is accessible and comprehensible for diverse audiences.

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