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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

How Electronic Signatures Streamline Construction Approvals in Real Estate Development banner image

How eSignatures Simplify Construction Approvals in Real Estate

Real estate development requires many complex approvals. Each approval involves different sets of hierarchical signatures and sequences, making it challenging to track. In this blog, we explore how BoldSign electronic signatures simplify managing these approvals, especially in construction projects.

How BoldSign Facilitates Seamless Collaboration

BoldSign enhances project coordination by offering powerful tools designed to streamline document workflows and approvals. Features supporting real-time collaboration, automatic notifications, and easy document access allow teams to work more efficiently, thus speeding up decision-making and keeping projects on track.

Creating and Managing Project Teams

Here’s how project leads can create dedicated teams in BoldSign:

  1. Log into BoldSign, navigate to the Users & Teams menu, and select Teams.

  2. Click Add team to create new teams, specifying roles such as Design Approval, Financial Review, etc.

    Add teams option
    Add teams option
These teams collaborate internally and with external stakeholders through shared documents and templates, enhancing project cohesion. You can check out this article on how to create teams.

Document Sharing and Approvals

  • Upload and Share: Team admins/members can upload and share documents for approval, like zoning permits or architectural drawings. Take a look at this article for guidance on uploading and sharing documents.
Upload document section
  • Review and Sign: Stakeholders can review, sign, or request changes directly within the platform, which accelerates the approval process. You can refer to this article on how to sign a document in BoldSign.
Signing page
  • Stay Updated: Notifications and real-time updates keep everyone informed about document statuses, reducing delays. For further details on managing notifications, please refer to this article: how to manage email notifications.
Notifications section

Custom Permissions for Sensitive Documents

To ensure security and compliance:

  • Role-Based Permissions: BoldSign allows project leads to set custom permissions for sensitive documents like financial disclosures.
Create custom permissions
  • Audit Trails: Audit trails track document access and modifications, providing transparency and accountability.
Audit trail document

Efficient Role Transitions and Document Handovers

When roles change or a stakeholder’s involvement ends:

  1. Transfer Document Ownership: Project leads can easily transfer document ownership to another team member.

    Transfer documents
    Transfer documents
  2. User Profile Management: Easily modify user roles and deactivate/reactivate users as required.

    Deactivate user option
    Deactivate user option

Template Sharing for Standardized Documents

BoldSign’s template-sharing feature ensures all teams use standardized forms for common documents like nondisclosure agreements or contractor terms, promoting consistency across the project. How to share templates with other teams.
Share template option


BoldSign’s electronic signature and document management features are made to tackle the complexities of real estate development. It enables seamless collaboration across diverse teams and stakeholders. BoldSign ensures that document workflows are efficient, secure, and compliant with industry standards. Focus more on the strategic aspects of your projects, leaving the document complexities to BoldSign.

Experience the full capabilities of BoldSign with a 30-day free trial, and consider scheduling a personalized demo to see how we can streamline your next real estate development project’s paperwork.
Need further information or have questions? Our dedicated support team is just a click away through our support portal. We are here to help you enhance your project management and collaboration efforts.
Picture of Meikanda Nayanar

Meikanda Nayanar

A veteran product manager at BoldSign, boasting a decade-long journey as a .NET developer. With a rich history of leading product development across diverse technologies like Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, and MAUI, Meikandan brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic insight to the table.

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Picture of Meikanda Nayanar

Meikanda Nayanar

A veteran product manager at BoldSign, boasting a decade-long journey as a .NET developer. With a rich history of leading product development across diverse technologies like Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, and MAUI, Meikandan brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic insight to the table.

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