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How BoldSign Simplifies Loan Application Process

How BoldSign's Features Simplify the Loan Application Process

In this blog post, we will explore how BoldSign improves loan processing, providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for all parties involved. BoldSign enables banks and credit firms to collect and verify signed documents digitally, significantly speeding up the loan application process. By using the following key features, BoldSign ensures a streamlined and efficient loan processing experience.

Multiple-signer support

BoldSign facilitates the involvement of multiple stakeholders throughout the loan approval process, ensuring all necessary parties can participate.

Add recipient section.
Add recipient section


Templates in BoldSign allow loan officers to create standardized document layouts for different types of loans. This ensures consistency across loan applications and reduces the time spent on manual document creation. With templates, loan officers can quickly generate necessary documents, including application forms, promissory notes, and loan agreements, streamlining the origination process.

Prepare template page.
Prepare template page

Signer verification

BoldSign provides signer verification options such as email verification, SMS authentication, and access codes, which help confirm the identity of borrowers during the loan application process. This ensures that loans are issued to legitimate applicants and helps mitigate the risk of identity theft or fraud. By integrating identity verification into digital signing, lenders can enhance security and compliance while expediting the loan origination process.

Authentication options.
Authentication options

Form fields

Loan officers can use form fields when creating loan application documents to collect specific information relevant to the loan application, such as personal details and financial information from borrowers. Upon receipt, borrowers can fill in the required information electronically.

This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces errors associated with handwritten forms. By digitizing form completion, BoldSign accelerates the loan origination process and improves data accuracy.

Configure fields page
Configure fields page

Mobile accessibility

BoldSign is accessible via mobile devices, allowing borrowers to complete loan applications on smartphones or tablets. Mobile accessibility enhances convenience and flexibility, enabling borrowers to sign anytime, anywhere, and improving the overall customer experience.

BoldSign mobile app
BoldSign mobile app

No signer account needed

BoldSign simplifies the signing process for loan documents by not requiring signers to create an account. On receiving the email link, signers verify their identity and agree to disclosure terms before accessing the signing page. This streamlines the process, reducing friction for borrowers.

Document tracking

BoldSign enables document status tracking and sends real-time notifications to borrowers and lenders when documents are sent, viewed, or completed. This ensures timely action and reduces delays in the loan origination process, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Security and compliance

BoldSign prioritizes security and compliance by implementing stringent encryption, data protection measures, and adherence to industry regulations such as ESIGN, GDPR, SOC 2, and eIDAS. Lenders can trust that sensitive borrower information is secure and that the loan origination process complies with relevant legal and regulatory standards.

BoldSign also maintains a comprehensive audit trail of all document activities, including access, changes, and signatures. This ensures transparency, accountability, and compliance with regulatory requirements throughout the loan origination process.

Audit trail

User-friendly interface

BoldSign prioritizes security and compliance by implementing stringent encryption, data protection measures, and adherence to industry regulations such as ESIGN, GDPR, SOC 2, and eIDAS. Lenders can trust that sensitive borrower information is secure and that the loan origination process complies with relevant legal and regulatory standards.

BoldSign also maintains a comprehensive audit trail of all document activities, including access, changes, and signatures. This ensures transparency, accountability, and compliance with regulatory requirements throughout the loan origination process.

Disclosure terms

BoldSign’s custom legal terms option enables senders to customize disclosure terms for signers on the branding page, ensuring they consent to terms and conditions, including data collection and storage, before accessing documents. By providing clarity and obtaining consent upfront, lenders can streamline the origination process, enhance compliance, and establish trust with borrowers.

Custom legal terms option
Custom legal terms option

Signing language

Setting language preferences for signers in BoldSign facilitates loan origination by ensuring clear communication. By accommodating signers’ preferred languages, lenders can enhance understanding and engagement, leading to smoother transactions. Additionally, BoldSign lets signers adjust language settings during signing themselves, so they can participate comfortably and reduce potential barriers. Overall, language customization in BoldSign contributes to improved borrower experiences and efficiency in loan origination.

Language options

The signing procedure

Borrowers can easily access, review, and sign loan application documents.

1. Access the document by clicking the link received via email.

Review and sign link
2. Accept the disclosure terms. Then click Continue. You will be directed to the signing page.
Disclosure terms
Disclosure terms
3. On the signing page, click the Start signing button to begin signing the document. After filling in the form fields, click Complete Signing to finish the signing process.
Signing page
Signing page


In conclusion, BoldSign streamlines the loan application process, minimizing paperwork and administrative tasks. Experience the benefits by signing up for a 30-day free trial. Modernize your loan origination workflows with BoldSign to enhance the lending process.

Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please share your thoughts and comments in the section below. For more information on BoldSign’s features or for personalized assistance, schedule a demo or reach out to our support team via our support portal.

Picture of Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans is a Technical Assistant at BoldSign. His passion lies in creating high-quality content for users through effective documentation. His multifaceted skills encompass technical expertise, creativity, and a keen understanding of user needs.

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Picture of Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans is a Technical Assistant at BoldSign. His passion lies in creating high-quality content for users through effective documentation. His multifaceted skills encompass technical expertise, creativity, and a keen understanding of user needs.

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