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Adding Validations to Textbox Form Fields in eSignature Requests Banner image

Adding Validations to Textbox Form Fields in eSignature Request

In the digital landscape, electronic signatures have become the norm for expediting document workflows. However, ensuring the accuracy and validity of the information entered by signers remains crucial. With the help of textbox form fields, you can now implement various validation measures to guarantee the integrity of signer input. Whether it’s restricting entries to numeric values, enforcing specific formats, or verifying email addresses, the validation options empower you to tailor the signing experience to your exact requirements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to validate the values entered by signers using textbox form fields:

Step 1: Creating a New Document

  1. Click on the "Create New" button and select "Create New Document" from the options provided.

    Create New Document
    Create New Document
  2. Fill in all the necessary fields and proceed by clicking the "Next" button to reach the "Configure Fields" page.

    Upload files and add recipients
    Upload files and add recipients

Step 2: Adding Textbox Form Fields

  1. Drag and drop the Textbox field to the desired location within the document. This action will open the Textbox settings pane on the right-hand side.

  2. Scroll down to the "Validation" field, which offers a range of options including "Only Numbers," "Regex," "Currency," "Email," and "None."

    Textbox validation
    Textbox validation

Step 3: Selecting Validation Options

Choose the appropriate validation option based on your requirements. The validations available in BoldSign are Only Numbers, Regex, Currency, Email, and None.

1. Only Numbers:

Purpose: This validation type restricts input to numeric values only, ensuring that signers cannot enter any alphabetic characters or special symbols.

Use Case: Ideal for fields where only numerical data is relevant, such as age, quantity, or numerical codes.

Example: A field asking for the phone number of a customer.

Only Numbers

2. Regex:

Purpose: Regex validation enables the creation of custom validation rules using regular expressions, offering precise control over input patterns.

Use Case: Useful when specific validation criteria beyond simple numeric constraints are required, allowing for complex pattern matching.

Example: Validating the company name of the customer with no special characters.


3. Currency:

Purpose: Restricts input to currency values, typically in a standardized currency format (e.g., INR, USD, EUR, GBP) with appropriate symbols and decimal points.

Use Case: Essential for fields requiring monetary amounts, ensuring consistency in currency format and preventing input errors.

Example: A textbox field prompting for the total amount of a transaction, ensuring it’s entered in a standardized currency format (e.g., $100.00 or €75.50).


4. Email:

Purpose: Validates input to ensure it conforms to the format of a valid email address, preventing signers from entering invalid or improperly formatted email addresses.

Use Case: Essential for collecting email addresses for communication purposes, ensuring that entered addresses are accurate and usable.

Example: A textbox field requesting the signer’s email address for account registration or communication purposes.


5. None:

Purpose: No validation is applied to the textbox field, allowing signers to input any text without restrictions.

Use Case: Suitable for fields where no specific validation criteria are necessary or when maximum flexibility is desired.

Example: A general comments textbox field where signers can provide free-form text feedback or additional information without constraints.


Each validation type serves a distinct purpose and provides varying levels of control over the input entered by signers. By selecting the appropriate validation option based on the nature of the data being collected and the desired level of validation, you can enhance the accuracy and reliability of the information gathered through eSignature requests.

Step 5: Sending the Document

Once you’ve configured the textbox form field with the desired validation settings, click the “Send” button located in the top right corner of the page to dispatch the document to the signer.

Send the document

Step 6: Handling Invalid Input

  1. During the signing process, if the signer provides invalid input that violates the specified validation criteria, a notification message appended to the description field will alert them.

  2. This notification serves as a prompt for signers to rectify their input or adhere to the required format before completing the document.

Notification to rectify the input


Incorporating validation measures within textbox form fields not only streamlines the signing process but also safeguards the accuracy and integrity of the data within your documents. Whether applying numeric constraints or crafting intricate regex patterns, the versatility of validation options guarantees a seamless and error-free signing experience for all signers involved. By leveraging these validation capabilities, you can ensure the reliability of the information exchanged through eSignature requests, enhancing overall efficiency and trust in your document workflows.

To experience BoldSign’s benefits, begin your 30-day BoldSign free trial now. Please feel free to comment below; we truly value your opinions. If you have any questions or would like more information about our services, please schedule a demo or get in touch with our support team through our support portal.

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Picture of Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath is a passionate software developer with 2 years of experience at BoldSign. He is an avid writer and enjoys sharing his insights on technology and development. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new technologies and learning new things.

Picture of Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath is a passionate software developer with 2 years of experience at BoldSign. He is an avid writer and enjoys sharing his insights on technology and development. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new technologies and learning new things.

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