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Adding Form Fields to eSignature Documents Using BoldSign API

Adding Form Fields to eSignature Documents Using the BoldSign API

The necessity of electronic signatures and smooth document management has grown in importance in the current digital era. Form field integration is one of the many capabilities that BoldSign provides to streamline document processing. These form fields are crucial components of documents since they allow for interactive features like data collecting and signature placement. BoldSign offers a wide range of form fields designed to cater to different document requirements.
The following are the available form fields in BoldSign:
  • Signature
  • Initial
  • Textbox
  • DateSigned
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Company
  • EditableDate
  • Image
  • Dropdown
  • Attachment
  • Label
  • Hyperlink
We will explore the five different ways BoldSign offers to add form fields to documents in this extensive blog, each designed to accommodate a range of user preferences and demands.

1. Sending Documents from Templates:

One of the convenient ways to incorporate form fields into documents is by utilizing templates. Templates in BoldSign allow users to predefine form fields and roles, streamlining the process of sending repetitive documents for signature. By associating form fields with specific roles, such as signers, users can efficiently manage document workflows and ensure the completion of required fields by each party.
Furthermore, BoldSign enables users to prefill form field values within templates, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual data entry errors. This feature is particularly useful for documents requiring consistent information across multiple instances, such as contracts or agreements. To know more about prefill form field values within templates please refer to this link – How to prefill form details before sending a document for signature

2. Placing Form Fields with Exact Bounds:

BoldSign provides the ability to provide specific coordinates and measurements for every form field, for users who would rather have more control over form field placement. This method is especially valuable when dealing with complex document layouts or when aligning form fields with existing content. The “x”, “y”, “width”, and “height” of the form fields can be updated directly if you know the precise location of the field within the document.
curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json' \
     -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}' \
     -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
     -F 'Message=' \
     -F 'Signers=[
          "name": "Hanky",
          "emailAddress": "",
          "signerType": "Signer",
          "formFields": [
              "id": "signature1",
              "fieldType": "Signature",
              "pageNumber": 1,
              "bounds": {
                "x": 50,
                "y": 50,
                "width": 100,
                "height": 20
              "isRequired": true
              "id": "textbox1",
              "fieldType": "Textbox",
              "pageNumber": 1,
              "bounds": {
                "x": 100,
                "y": 100,
                "width": 100,
                "height": 20
              "isRequired": true
      ]' \
  -F 'locale=EN' \
  -F 'Files=@{your file}' \
  -F 'Title={title}'

Form fields placed in the document within the bounds provided

3. Auto-Detecting Form Fields in Documents:

Simplifying the process further, BoldSign introduces automatic detection of form fields within fillable form documents. By setting the “AutoDetectFields” property to “true” during document creation, BoldSign identifies and replaces fillable form fields with equivalent BoldSign form fields. BoldSign supports to auto detect Textbox, Checkbox, Radio button, Dropdown, and Signature form fields.
This automated approach streamlines document preparation, eliminating the need for manual form field configuration and enhancing user productivity.
curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json' \
     -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}' \
     -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
     -F 'AutoDetectFields=true' \
     -F 'Message=' \
     -F 'Signers={
        "name": "Hanky",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "signerType": "Signer",
        "locale": "EN"
}' \
  -F 'Files=@{your fillable file}' \
  -F 'Title={title}'
Form fields are auto detected in the document

4. Drag and Drop Form Fields in Embedded Requests:

Furthermore, BoldSign enables users to prefill form field values within templates, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual data entry errors. This feature is particularly useful for documents requiring consistent information across multiple instances, such as contracts or agreements. To know more about prefill form field values within templates please refer to this link – Embed the document creation into your application
Dragging and dropping the form fields

5. Utilizing Text Tags in Documents:

Text tags offer an alternative approach to adding form fields to documents, leveraging a combination of text and symbols to designate form field locations and types. BoldSign’s text tag syntax allows users to embed form field directives directly within the document content, facilitating the dynamic generation of form fields through API requests. To learn more about text tags please refer to this link – Text tags Introduction
When the text tags contain numerous directives use definition tags to manage lengthy text tags. To Know more about the definition tags please refer to this link: – Defination tags
Text tags in the document
Text tags replaced with form fields


In summary, BoldSign’s wide range of form field addition techniques accommodate users’ varying requirements and preferences in a variety of workflows and settings. With the use of templates, accurate positioning, text tags, auto-detection, and drag-and-drop capabilities, among other features, BoldSign enables users to create dynamic, interactive documents quickly and easily. Organizations may improve communication, expedite commercial transactions, and streamline document management procedures by utilizing these capabilities in the current fast-paced digital landscape.
Start your 30-day BoldSign free trial now to see the advantages of BoldSign. We sincerely appreciate your input, so please feel free to comment below. Please book a demo or contact our support team via our support portal if you need any help or would want to learn more about our services.
Picture of Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath is a passionate software developer with 2 years of experience at BoldSign. He is an avid writer and enjoys sharing his insights on technology and development. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new technologies and learning new things.

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Picture of Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath Kannusamy

Gopinath is a passionate software developer with 2 years of experience at BoldSign. He is an avid writer and enjoys sharing his insights on technology and development. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new technologies and learning new things.

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