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BoldSign April 2024 Updates: 7 Powerful Features to Enhance Your Signing Experience

In April 2024, BoldSign published a wave of enhancements designed to simplify your document signing workflows and elevate your overall experience. We introduced a range of features focused on efficiency, control, and collaboration, enabling you to manage your signing processes with greater ease and effectiveness.

In this blog, we will explore each of these enhancements in detail, demonstrating how they can optimize your eSignature experience.

Clone Bulk Links for Easy Modifications

Imagine you’ve prepared a bulk link, only to realize that a minor correction is needed. Previously, this might have meant starting from scratch, wasting time and effort. However, with our new clone functionality, making such adjustments is now easy.

The clone feature allows you to create a copy of an existing bulk link with just a few clicks. This means you can quickly make the necessary modifications, such as correcting a typo or updating recipient details, without having to recreate the entire bulk link from scratch. Not only does this save you time, but it also ensures that your bulk link signing processes are more accurate.

Read more about cloning bulk links.

Export Bulk Send Document Responses to a CSV File

Bulk Download Completed Documents with Ease

Managing and storing numerous bulk send documents separately can be time-consuming and risky, as documents may get lost. We have introduced a bulk download option in BoldSign to address this. This feature allows you to download all completed documents from a bulk send in a single click, conveniently packaged in a zip file. This eliminates the need for separate downloading, saving you valuable time and ensuring that your documents are easily accessible and organized.

Additionally, the feature offers two convenient ways to access it. You can download the bulk send documents from either the My Bulk Send page or the Bulk Send Documents page.

Enhanced Control with Bulk Send Revocation

Hide Watermark for a Clearer View of In-Progress Documents

Removing watermarks in BoldSign enhances the document viewing experience by eliminating visual distractions, allowing users to focus solely on the content. The ability to hide watermarks ensures that documents maintain a professional appearance, even when they are still in progress.

Default Value for the Image Field

Add CC Recipients

If you’re managing a project that requires multiple people to know when important documents have been signed, we’ve made that easier. Our new feature lets you add CC recipients to bulk links in BoldSign.

By including CC recipients, such as project managers, in your bulk links, you ensure that they are kept informed every step of the way. These recipients will receive notifications when the initiator signs the bulk link and when all designated signers have completed their signatures. Additionally, the CC recipients can download the completed copy of the signed documents for record-keeping. This enhancement provides better communication and transparency, keeping everyone involved up-to-date.

User Activity Logs Feature

Overview Page for Bulk Link Documents

This feature provides a centralized view of bulk link documents, allowing you to access detailed information about each document within a bulk link effortlessly. You can quickly review the status of a document, track the progress, and identify the actions that need to be taken.

The overview page offers more than just a view of your documents. You can also conveniently edit recipient details directly on the overview page. Whether you need to update contact information or replace existing recipient details, you can make these changes quickly and easily.

Learn more about the bulk link overview page.

Enhanced Document Integrity with Time Stamps

Edit Templates Directly via API

With the latest update, templates can now be directly edited via the Edit Template API. This API allows you to modify various properties of an existing template, including the title, description, document message, document title, roles, and form fields associated with the template. It’s important to note that the API does not allow modifications to the files linked to the template.

Learn more about the edit template API

Prefill Fields API with In-Progress Editing

Reduce errors and save time with the enhanced prefill fields API. This feature allows you to set default values for various form fields, including text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, editable dates, and dropdowns. You can even modify these fields for documents already in progress, ensuring data accuracy.

For developers, prefilling form fields lets you assign values to document form fields before or after sending them to signers. Furthermore, if a form field has a data sync tag, the value applied to that field will also be applied to other fields with the same data sync tag value and the same field type. To modify the prefilled value, use the document properties API to retrieve the form field IDs and then use the prefill API to assign a new value to the form field. This process saves time and reduces the risk of errors, making document management more efficient than ever.

Read more about the prefill fields API.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. These April updates are evidence of our ongoing commitment to enhance the BoldSign platform and provide you with the features you need. We encourage you to explore these features and experience the difference they can make in your signing workflows.

As always, we value your feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below. If you’d like to explore our services further, you can schedule a demo or contact our support team via our dedicated support portal.

Picture of Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno is a technical writer at BoldSign with a passion for clear communication. He uses his skills to transform complex topics into engaging and easy-to-understand content, across various formats including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive guides. Rayronald's dedication ensures users have a smooth and informative experience.

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Picture of Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno

Rayronald Ochola Otieno is a technical writer at BoldSign with a passion for clear communication. He uses his skills to transform complex topics into engaging and easy-to-understand content, across various formats including video tutorials, help articles, and comprehensive guides. Rayronald's dedication ensures users have a smooth and informative experience.

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