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7 eSignature Workflow Automation Ideas with BoldSign and Zapier

With BoldSign integrated with Zapier, you can connect BoldSign with several external apps for automating several eSignature workflows. These automations are not just about saving time; they aim to enhance accuracy, compliance, and overall productivity in your daily document management tasks.

A variety of preconfigured templates are available on the BoldSign Zapier integration page to simplify the automation process. Let’s dive into automated eSignature workflows and discover how BoldSign and Zapier can transform your document management experience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore seven eSignature workflow automation ideas that leverage the integration of BoldSign and Zapier. 

To follow along, you will need: a valid Zapier account and a BoldSign account, which can be either a paid subscription or a free sandbox account. If you have not yet created a BoldSign account, you can easily sign up for a free account to get started.

Triggers and actions

Let’s look at the supported BoldSign triggers and actions in Zapier. The triggers and actions serve as the fundamental building blocks of Zapier automation. Triggers are events that initiate actions. Actions are the specific operations executed within an app when a trigger condition is met.

Supported triggers

  • Document Completion: This trigger occurs immediately after all signers have successfully completed a document.
  • Document Sent: This trigger is initiated instantly when a document is sent for signature.
  • Document Declined: This trigger is initiated instantly when a signer rejects a document.

Supported action

  • Sending Document from Template: This feature enables the automated generation and transmission of a document for signature from BoldSign when specific conditions are met in another app.

eSignature workflow automation ideas

The following are some useful eSignature workflow automation ideas. By integrating BoldSign with several other external apps in Zapier, you can leverage a multitude of advanced capabilities and streamline your processes further.

#1 Create BoldSign signature request for new entries

This automation is configured to generate and send a BoldSign signature request whenever a new entry is submitted through a form, such as Google Form or Typeform.

For example, if you are gathering user details through a Typeform survey, BoldSign can automatically generate a signature request for the relevant parties using the data from the Typeform whenever a new entry is submitted.

This automation saves time and streamlines the process of collecting signatures for forms or surveys created in Typeform. It ensures that once someone submits a form, the corresponding document is promptly sent for eSignature, minimizing delays and eliminating manual tasks.

Send signature request

#2 Send emails or messages about new BoldSign signature requests

The automation can be configured to send emails or messages to designated recipients, such as relevant stakeholders, signers, or individuals needing information about the document’s initiation, using email services or messaging platforms. These notifications contain essential details about the document, the sender, and any specific instructions for the signer.

For instance, if you send a signature request in BoldSign, notifications about it can be sent via Gmail to anyone who needs to be informed about the document’s initiation.

This automation ensures that all concerned parties are promptly notified when a signature request is sent. Providing real-time email notifications minimizes delays in the eSignature process, enhances communication, and expedites the workflow.

Send emails

#3 Create contacts when BoldSign documents are completed

This seamless automation lets you add new contacts in popular applications like HubSpot and Salesforce every time a BoldSign document is successfully completed, eliminating the manual entry and ensuring that your contact list is always up to date.

The preconfigured template shown in the following image is available on the BoldSign Zapier integration page. This template allows you to create contacts automatically in HubSpot whenever a BoldSign signature request is completed.

Create contacts

#4 Track the declined BoldSign signature requests

When a document is sent for eSignature via BoldSign, signers receive the request. Occasionally, a signer might decline, indicating their decision not to sign. This automation records declined requests, capturing essential details like document ID, signer information, and the reason for decline in a specific location, which can be valuable for analysis and follow-up.

For example, if a BoldSign signature request is declined by a signer, the details can be recorded on a particular page in Google Sheets. This helps in maintaining a clear and organized record of declined requests.

Declined request

#5 Track newly completed BoldSign signature requests

You can set up an automation where completed signature requests are automatically recorded in a designated location. The automation can record essential details of the completed request, such as the document title, signers, date, and any other pertinent information, facilitating the easy retrieval of completed document information in one centralized location.

For example, when a signer completes a document, its details can be automatically tracked and recorded on a specific page in Google Sheets. This streamlined process ensures easy management.

Completed request

#6 Update deals when BoldSign documents are completed

This automation can update deals in apps like HubSpot and Pipedrive whenever a BoldSign signature request is completed. This integration streamlines the workflow for sales teams, ensuring that the latest contract information and client signatures are automatically synchronized with their corresponding deals.

By providing real-time updates, this automation enhances accuracy, reduces manual data entry, and helps sales representatives stay organized and responsive to client interactions, ultimately leading to a more streamlined and effective sales process.

The preconfigured template shown in the following image is available on the BoldSign Zapier integration page. This template allows you to update deals automatically in HubSpot whenever a BoldSign signature request is completed.

Update deals

#7 Upload completed BoldSign documents to the cloud

When a document is fully signed by all parties involved in BoldSign, the request is marked as completed. This automation detects the completed document and automatically sends a copy to a specified location in your chosen cloud storage service. For example, if a signer completes a document, it can be stored automatically in a particular folder in OneDrive.

This automation ensures that all signed documents are securely stored in a centralized and easily accessible location. It simplifies document management, making it easier to find and retrieve signed documents when needed. Additionally, it serves as a backup, providing redundancy in case of data loss on the local device.

Upload documents


We appreciate your time reading these ideas for eSignature workflow automation with BoldSign and Zapier. Embark on your 30-day free trial now to experience the benefits of automating your eSignature procedures with BoldSign.

For more detailed information and step-by-step procedures, check our knowledge base articles on Zapier.

Kindly share your feedback in the comments section below. If you need further assistance or wish to delve deeper into our services, we encourage you to schedule a demo or connect with our dedicated support team via our support portal.

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Picture of Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan is a Technical Writer at BoldSign. With expertise in simplifying complex concepts, she contributes to the comprehensive documentation and user-friendly content at BoldSign. Lakshmi's commitment to quality ensures users have access to clear and helpful information.

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Picture of Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan

Lakshmi Priya Soundar Rajan is a Technical Writer at BoldSign. With expertise in simplifying complex concepts, she contributes to the comprehensive documentation and user-friendly content at BoldSign. Lakshmi's commitment to quality ensures users have access to clear and helpful information.

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