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6 Questions to Evaluate Before Investing in an eSignature Platform banner image

6 Questions to Evaluate Before Investing in an eSignature Platform

Adopting an eSignature platform is a pivotal step for any business striving for efficiency and digital transformation. However, with all the options available in the market, making the right choice can be overwhelming. To navigate this landscape effectively, you need to ask the right questions before committing to a solution.

In this guide, we’ll ask the six questions that will empower you to make an informed decision when searching for an eSignature platform that aligns with your organization’s needs.

Key questions before selecting your eSignature solution

1. What features does the eSignature platform offer, and how do they align with our needs?

This question helps you evaluate whether the platform provides the necessary functionalities to meet your organization’s requirements. Some essential features to consider include document customization options, support for multiple file formats, template creation, multilingual support, audit trails, automated reminders, and mobile compatibility. By understanding your needs and comparing them with the platform’s features, you can ensure that it will streamline your document signing processes effectively.

2. How secure is the platform?

When dealing with sensitive documents and personal data, data security should be one of the very first things you confirm. Ensure the platform employs robust encryption methods, multi-factor authentication, and data encryption in transit and at rest. Additionally, verify if the platform complies with the industry regulations relevant to your company, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC 2®. Compliance with global standards ensures that your documents are handled and stored securely, reducing the risk of data breaches and legal complications.

3. What is the pricing structure, and are there any hidden costs or limitations on usage?

Understanding the pricing model is essential to determine the platform’s affordability and suitability for your budget. Some platforms charge per user, per document, or offer subscription-based plans. Some do all three. Additionally, inquire about any hidden costs, such as fees for additional features or exceeding usage limits. By clarifying the pricing structure upfront, you can avoid unexpected expenses and choose a plan that aligns with your budgetary constraints.

4. How user-friendly is the platform?

The platform’s usability directly impacts user adoption and productivity. Evaluate the platform’s interface, ease of navigation, and intuitiveness for both administrators and signers. A user-friendly platform requires minimal training and support, allowing users to quickly adapt to the new system and complete document signing tasks efficiently.

5. Is the platform compliant with relevant regulations and standards?

Ensure that the eSignature platform complies with industry regulations and standards, such as eIDAS in the European Union or the ESIGN Act in the United States. Verify the platform’s certifications and adherence to security and privacy standards.

6. Is the platform mobile-friendly?

An eSignature platform’s mobile-friendliness ensures accessibility and convenience for users who need to sign or manage documents on the go. A mobile-friendly platform allows users to access, review, and sign documents using smartphones or tablets, improving efficiency, collaboration, and the customer experience. To evaluate mobile-friendliness, consider factors such as responsiveness, availability of dedicated mobile apps, ease of document viewing and signing, and user feedback on mobile usability.


In conclusion, by asking the right questions before buying an eSignature platform, businesses can ensure they choose a solution that aligns with their needs. Evaluation of factors such as features, compliance, pricing, usability, scalability, and security lets your team make an informed decision.

Consider trying BoldSign eSignatures for an excellent experience in document signing. Sign up for a free trial today.

We value your feedback. Please share your thoughts and comments in the section below. If you want to know more or have questions about the BoldSign eSignature platform, please schedule a personalized demo or contact our support team via our support portal for assistance.

Picture of Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans is a Technical Assistant at BoldSign. His passion lies in creating high-quality content for users through effective documentation. His multifaceted skills encompass technical expertise, creativity, and a keen understanding of user needs.

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Picture of Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans Omondi Otieno

Evans is a Technical Assistant at BoldSign. His passion lies in creating high-quality content for users through effective documentation. His multifaceted skills encompass technical expertise, creativity, and a keen understanding of user needs.

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