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The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

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Explore the BoldSign features that make eSigning easier.

Electronic Signatures for the Insurance Industry

BoldSign eSignatures elevate the insurance experience for both agents and policyholders. They empower your agents with swift document processing and provide visibility into the signing status of all documents.

Start free trial

Electronic Signature for Insurance Industry
Syncfusion is trusted by the world’s leading companies
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Syncfusion trusted companies

Why BoldSign for Insurance?

Underwriting, claims, or renewals—whatever your focus, trust BoldSign to be your reliable ally. We are committed to delivering a smooth and expedited experience, allowing you to boost the efficiency of your insurance processes.
Multi-Signature Support

Multi-Signer support allows multiple individuals to sign a document electronically, following a predefined order or simultaneously.

Multisignature support

Templates save time by allowing users to reuse documents with minor adjustments instead of starting from scratch every time.

Signer Authentication

Robust authentication methods verify the identity of signers, such as email verification, access codes, or SMS verification.

Secure authentication
Embedded Signing

Your clients can seamlessly sign documents within your website or app, without changing tabs or apps.

embedded signing
Custom Branding

Customize the eSignature interface with your insurance agency’s branding for a professional touch.

custom branding
Mobile Accessibility

Sign from anywhere. Clients can sign policy or claims documents on the go, using a tablet or mobile phone.

mobile accessibility
No Signer Account

Signers can sign documents without having a BoldSign account, making it hassle-free for everyone involved and leading to quicker completion of documents.

no signer account needed
Real-Time Tracking

Keep an eye on the status of eSignature requests with BoldSign’s real-time tracking features.

Document tracking
Security and Compliance

We take legality seriously. BoldSign is certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant. Your security and legal peace of mind is our priorities.

Security and Compliance
Audit Trail

Maintain a detailed audit trail with records of every action taken on a document, including when it was viewed, signed, and by whom, providing transparency and legal protection.

audit trail
User-Friendly Interface

BoldSign offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the eSigning process for both clients and insurance agents.
user friendly interface
BoldSign scales to handle the volume of policies and claims processed by insurance agencies of all sizes.

Multi-signer Support

Multi-signer support allows multiple individuals to sign a document electronically, following a predefined order or simultaneously.


Templates save time by allowing users to reuse documents with minor adjustments instead of starting from scratch every time.

Signer Authentication

Robust authentication methods verify the identity of signers, such as email verification, access codes, or SMS verification.

Embedded Signing

Your clients can seamlessly sign documents within your website or app, without changing tabs or apps.

Multisignature support
Secure authentication
embedded signing
custom branding
mobile accessibility
no signer account needed
Document tracking

Custom Branding

Customize the eSignature interface with your insurance agency’s branding for a professional touch.

Mobile Accessibility

Sign from anywhere. Clients can sign policy or claims documents on the go, using a tablet or mobile phone.

No Signer Account

Signers can sign documents without having a BoldSign account, making it hassle-free for everyone involved and leading to quicker completion of documents.

Real-Time Tracking

Keep an eye on the status of eSignature requests with BoldSign’s real-time tracking features.

Security and Compliance

We take legality seriously. BoldSign is certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant. Your security and legal peace of mind is our priorities.

Audit Trail

Maintain a detailed audit trail with records of every action taken on a document, including when it was viewed, signed, and by whom, providing transparency and legal protection.

User-Friendly Interface

BoldSign offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the eSigning process for both clients and insurance agents.


BoldSign scales to handle the volume of policies and claims processed by insurance agencies of all sizes.

Security and Compliance
Audit trail
user friendly interface
Get your Insurance Document signed in just a few clicks
Unlock the potential of BoldSign, the premier eSignature solution designed exclusively for the insurance sector. BoldSign empowers insurers to expedite policy issuance, enhance data security, and deliver a seamless digital experience to clients, no matter where they are.

Start free trial

Get your insurance document signed in just a few clicks

Where to Use BoldSign in Insurance Operations

BoldSign can prove highly advantageous within the insurance sector in numerous scenarios.

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Policy Issuance

Expedite policy issuance by allowing clients to sign policies digitally, reducing paperwork and processing time.

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Claims Processing

Streamline claims submissions and approvals through electronic signatures, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

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Policy Renewals

Simplify policy renewal processes by automatically sending renewal documents to clients for quick and easy eSignature. Learn more

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Endorsements and Addendums

Securely handle policy endorsements and addendums with digital signatures, ensuring compliance and record-keeping.

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Client Onboarding

Digitize client onboarding procedures by allowing new policyholders to sign necessary documents online.

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Agent Agreements

Enable agents to sign agreements and contracts digitally, ensuring efficient onboarding and compliance.

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Underwriting and Approvals

Speed up underwriting processes by collecting necessary signatures electronically for policy approvals.

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Compliance Forms

Easily manage compliance forms and disclosures with digital signatures, reducing manual paperwork.

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Policy Terminations

Streamline policy cancellation processes with digital authorization and documentation.

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